Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Make a better future for poor children

Help poor children to have a better future

Millions of children around the world lack access to basic necessities, such as food, clothing, education, and shelter, but there is hope. You can help underprivileged children have a successful future in a number of ways. Volunteering your time and efforts to children can make a big impact. You could also raise money for a particular charity. If you are willing to make a big commitment, you can become a personal advocate for a child in need through mentoring and fostering. No effort is too small or too large to make a difference in the life of a child.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Kids And Community

Watch This Nice Video

Video Publisher - Varun Pruthi  (You Tube)

Kids And Community
Children are the future of any country, so they are deserved to have a comfortable life and a good education.However, there are still many children living in poor living conditions.Therefore, it is necessary to have effective solutions to help poor children.

So, How to do help the poor children all over the world? First of all, poor children should be provided with foods and clothes so that they can exist and grow up to become strong citizens in both health and mental.Second, poor children should be provided with good education and vocational training.Once children are well educated, they can find a good job, support themselves and contribute their parts to the development of society in general and their country in particular.Thirdly, we should call for the donations of people around the world, both money, and labor, to care for the life and future of children.
To sum up, all people should consider this problem as our common problem and contribute our hands to help provide them with a better future. 

Source -

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Little Kid - Hope


"On the 30 of January 2016, I went on a rescue mission with David Emmanuel UmemNsidibe Orok and our Nigerian team. A rescue mission that went viral, and today it's exactly 1 year ago the world came to know a young little boy called Hope".  (Anja Ringgren Loven) 
Source - The Washington Post

Why Help Poor People?

Why Help Poor People?

Because money isn't everything. The greatest form of wealth is human connection and human interaction. It's one of the most influential currencies in the world.

Besides, you never know if the next great is waiting on the streets, homeless but doing something extraordinary. If you never help these people, you may never see the great value that some could bring to making our world a better place. (Seth Kerr)

Watch these pictures. Poor kids need your support. Are you a kindhearted person? If yes, get ready to help them.

Helping Hands For Kids

Helping Hands For Kids

We are a voluntary team who believed in making a change in needy children in Asia through education. Asia is one of the poorest regions in the world and We believe in Improving child survival by uplifting their education skills. We hope to run online services as well as field programs with the help of our volunteers. our objective is to support helpless kids in the world. As a first step, our service will start in the Asian region, and extend throughout of the world with the time. We kindly invite you to join us via this group and get support from trained volunteers, teachers, and other interested groups.